Pastor Dennis
Dennis Lauritsen has served Sts. Peter and Paul since December 2000. Ordained in 1983 at his home congregation of Bethesda Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Iowa, he has previously served two parishes in the city of Chicago, Bethel Lutheran Church of Humboldt Park (1983-91) and Lake View Lutheran Church (1991-99).
Among his many interests and loves of parish ministry, Pastor Dennis values Christ-centered, biblical and relevant preaching; the vitality and integrity of the traditional western liturgy; the congregation as a teaching parish for all ages; solid faith formation practices and vibrant, Spirit-led evangelism; the confessional teachings of the church throughout the ages; the contemplative prayer life of the daily offices; and the compassionate pastoral and congregational care of souls.
Pastor Dennis was raised on a farm in Monona County, Iowa, the fourth of five children. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. He received the Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, during which time he served his seminary internship at Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry in Kansas City, Missouri, a year-long, urban experience with a focus on social ministry. In June 1999 he received a Master of Theology degree in Biblical Studies from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago where his interests centered on the New Testament, particularly the First Epistle of Peter and other early Christian literature from the post-apostolic period of the second century.
Pastor Dennis lives in Riverside with his wife Jane and their family. They have three adult children, Samuel, Isaac and Olivia. He enjoys singing with Lux Cantorum Chicago, running, cycling, and reading good books. Read the Landmark article titled "Local Sacred Choir is a Surprise Hit in Latvia".

Dennis Lauritsen has served Sts. Peter and Paul since December 2000. Ordained in 1983 at his home congregation of Bethesda Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Iowa, he has previously served two parishes in the city of Chicago, Bethel Lutheran Church of Humboldt Park (1983-91) and Lake View Lutheran Church (1991-99).
Among his many interests and loves of parish ministry, Pastor Dennis values Christ-centered, biblical and relevant preaching; the vitality and integrity of the traditional western liturgy; the congregation as a teaching parish for all ages; solid faith formation practices and vibrant, Spirit-led evangelism; the confessional teachings of the church throughout the ages; the contemplative prayer life of the daily offices; and the compassionate pastoral and congregational care of souls.

Pastor Dennis was raised on a farm in Monona County, Iowa, the fourth of five children. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. He received the Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, during which time he served his seminary internship at Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry in Kansas City, Missouri, a year-long, urban experience with a focus on social ministry. In June 1999 he received a Master of Theology degree in Biblical Studies from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago where his interests centered on the New Testament, particularly the First Epistle of Peter and other early Christian literature from the post-apostolic period of the second century.
Pastor Dennis lives in Riverside with his wife Jane and their family. They have three adult children, Samuel, Isaac and Olivia. He enjoys singing with Lux Cantorum Chicago, running, cycling, and reading good books. Read the Landmark article titled "Local Sacred Choir is a Surprise Hit in Latvia".